UBC Let’s Talk Science’s SMaRT Program Wraps Up with a Successful Year
The Scientific Methods and Research Techniques (SMaRT) program from UBC Let’s Talk Science has concluded for the year, marking a major success in promoting scientific education among BC youth. Impact and Outreach This year, 57 exceptional volunteers dedicated their time to create 11 innovative and engaging science activities. These resources will be available for use […]
UBC Let’s Talk Science School Partnerships Program Enhances STEM Education in Metro Vancouver
This term, the UBC Let’s Talk Science School Partnerships Program (SPP) has been actively enhancing K-12 education opportunities across Metro Vancouver. Our dedicated UBC volunteers have been delivering engaging, hands-on STEM activities to young learners, enriching their understanding and appreciation of science. Collaborations with UBC Clubs This year, SPP had the exciting opportunity to collaborate […]
Let’s Talk Climate Action Symposium: Inspiring Change for the Future
From April 2nd to April 15th, the UBC Centre for Community Engaged Learning’s Let’s Talk Science and McMaster Let’s Talk Science programs co-hosted the Let’s Talk Climate Action symposium for high school students. This hybrid event included a virtual talk and panel discussion, an online workshop, and on-campus activities aimed at fostering critical thinking and […]
Exploring the Impact of Social Media with INFO 250
Curious about what community-engaged learning looks like in practice? Discover how community-engaged learning transforms students and organizations alike in this collaboration between INFO 250 students Vitor Moreno, Kaylan Mah, Morrison Tulloch, Nico Peloia, and the False Creek Friends Society. INFO250 is an undergraduate course in UBC’s Bachelor of Media Studies and Minor in Informatics. In […]
Together with the Students Overcoming Substance Use Disorder and Addictions Society of Canada, this project sought to address the ongoing substance use and overdose crisis in the South Asian community. Through a culturally sensitive workshop series, high-school students from 4 different schools were equipped with overdose response and prevention training. The workshops were available in […]
With the growing rate of newcomers joining the Vancouver community, there arose a need to develop more English language learning resources to better equip volunteers with the tools they need to support the newcomer community. To meet this need, an online webpage was developed, in partnership with ISSofBC as the central platform for volunteers to […]