CCEL Grants

CCEL Grants

Transform an idea into action, and receive funding to make it happen

About CCEL Student Grants

The Centre for Community Engaged Learning funds student-led projects that partner with BC-based community organizations. Grants are available so you can design and execute projects to address community priorities. Build your experience working with the community, and get creative in addressing social issues.

Applications for CCEL grants are now closed. Grants for the 2023/2024 cycle were awarded in April of 2024. Please keep an eye out for the 2024/2025 application cycle, which will open in November 2024.

Links and Resources

Eligibility GuidelinesReview the eligibility requirements ahead of time to ensure you meet them.
Identify a Project IdeaRefer to this guide to get started on ideating your project.
Reaching Out to a Community Organization (PDF)This page outlines how to ensure you are approaching community organizations in a respectful manner.
CCEL Grants Budget Template (xlsx)Use this sample budget spreadsheet in your grant application.
How to Write a Successful Grant ApplicationThis page outlines the qualities of a successful grant application.
CCEL Grants Information Session (Video)Watch this information session to review how to build a strong grant project.

Grant Project Library

Get inspired with our Grant Project Library to explore examples of CCEL-grant funded projects. These were led by students in partnership with community organizations aiming to address social justice, equity, and access issues affecting our communities.

If you have questions

Please email with your questions, or to book an advising appointment.