Seeds of Hope

“I learned a lot about the power of many people working together rather than just a few. There are so many strengths and talents hidden in a community that can really be put to use best in collective action. It gave me a glimpse of what universal participation in a small community might look like.”
Kiara Ehsani, recipient of the Connect to Community Grant for 2023/2024.
Project Description
For many, living in an urban area comes at the expense of developing a meaningful relationship and connection with nature. To raise consciousness and plant seeds of connectedness, Kiara’s project hosted garden workshops and community gatherings to empower youth in the Guildford community to cultivate a personal and reciprocal relationship with nature.
Community Partner Description
Kiara partnered with the Local Spiritual Assembly of Surrey to actualize her project in cultivating seeds of connection in Surrey. Kiara shared how her work supported and expanded upon existing programming with her community partner:
“It was really special because the local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Surrey was immensely supportive. They provided the structure, the spaces, and the materials that were used in the nature camps and the community gatherings. My community partner basically runs this program that is all around the world. It’s a global program that is called the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program, which really focuses on how to help junior youth between the ages of 11 to 14 develop their full capacity and their potential to make positive change and to draw on qualities that they can develop – especially at this age when they’re going through so many transitions. They have a lot of capacity to see the world around them more clearly. It can be channelled in the right way through through service, often through thinking about how it can be used to benefit others and different qualities that we can develop as well as developing like literacy and numeracy.”
From the Local Spiritual Assembly of Surrey: At the local level here in Surrey we welcome the whole family to participate in activities that contribute to vibrant communities. Children’s class, junior youth groups, study circles for adults and prayers gatherings for friends of all ages. The greatest benefits of these activities can be realized when the entire family engages a process of transformation together.
Lessons Learned
Kiara shared what she learned from witnessing community connection in action:
“I learned a lot about the power of many people working together rather than just a few. There are so many strengths and talents hidden in a community that can really be put to use best in collective action. It gave me a glimpse of what universal participation in a small community might look like.”
Project Outcomes

Kiara shared how her project manifested meaningful connections between youth, community, and land:
“It was beautiful to witness the spaces where people came together with the objective of reflecting on their own development and looking at how we can support each other. This expanded beyond relationships and invited people to think about their connection with the land and what impact their actions have had on the land. Apart from that outcome, there was also just it was just a lot of joy. It was a lot of fun time in the sun in the summer instead of kids being on their phones in their rooms. It was a lot of being outside together.”
Advice for Future Applicants
For students considering applying for a CCEL Grant, Kiara offers some valuable advice:
“I think the advice I would give is to look for people who are also passionate about your topic of interest and to see how your proposed project can fill some need in a community. Primarily because I think it’s really beautiful when our efforts are directed, not from just our own thoughts of what’s needed, but really towards helping others and the needs of others.”
Information about CCEL Grants
If you are a student interested in leading your own UBC CCEL project, you can learn more about the application process here. Year round advising for grant projects and applications are available via Zoom or in-person at our office on the UBC Vancouver office from Monday to Friday. For more information about year round advising, please email us at to book an appointment.