Bakerview: A Place for You – Workshops and Creative Lab


The Climate Action Mobilizers (CAM) team created two interactive, collaborative workshops for youth leaders at the Youth Space of South Surrey/White Rock with the objectives of surfacing the youth group and community’s needs; preparing youth leaders to consult with other community members such as seniors; and to facilitate the co-design of a community-wide creative lab. The culminating event for this workshop series was the implementation of an inclusive, co-designed creative lab that invited the Bakerview Park community to envision park improvements that will meet the needs of diverse park users. 

This series of events was developed in partnership with Alexandra Neighbourhood House and Uniti Youth Group. The events brought UBC students, community members, and youth together to envision a park that is more inclusive, accessible, and climate resilient. It fostered a better understanding of the community’s needs, and the collective responsibility to address them.


Workshop 1: Preparing for the Creative Lab

Participants: 16 youth leaders from the Youth Space


  • Develop a better understanding of the needs of South Surrey youth in the Bakerview Park neighbourhood 
  • Share knowledge and skills to help build capacity for co-designing inclusive climate action


  • 67% felt the workshop helped them understand how parks can address climate change impacts and the urban heat island effect.
  • 67% felt the workshop helped them understand how placemaking supports community building.
  • 73% felt the workshop helped them understand the importance of park accessibility, inclusion, and safety.

Workshop 2: Consulting with Seniors

Participants: 10 youth leaders from the Youth Space, many of whom participated in Workshop 1.


  • Develop a better understanding of the needs of South Surrey youth, and seniors in the Bakerview Park neighbourhood. 
  • Share knowledge and skills to build capacity for community engagement with seniors.
  • Implement learnings from Workshop 1


  • 100% felt the workshop helped them understand how extreme heat affects seniors.
  • 100% felt the workshop helped them understand the importance of consulting with seniors on how Bakerview Park can be improved.
  • 100% felt the workshop prepared them to consult with seniors on how to improve Bakerview Park.
  • The change in Workshop 2 outcomes reflect the benefits of the CAM retrospective, evaluation, and change implementation process. 

Creative Lab: Bakerview a Place for You

Participants: 70+ community members and 7 youth leaders. 70% under 30 years old; 10% 31-60 years old; 20%, 61+ years old.


  • Placemaking and community building through ethical engagement and consultation with the Bakerview Park community. 


  • 98% felt the event helped them think of ways to improve Bakerview Park
  • Better understanding of the community’s needs at Bakerview Park:
    • Top categories of features participants would like to add to the park: sports, water and cooling, playground enhancements, and accessible and dedicated gathering spaces.
    • Top categories of events participants think would make the park more welcoming: arts and entertainment, family friendly, sports, food, and cultural events. 

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